Sunday, October 4, 2009


1. What is Urbanization?
Urbanization was the rapid growth of cities caused by the promise of industrial jobs. It resulted in a new lower standard of urban poor.

2. For what reasons did a number of Americans move from the country to the cities?
Inventions in the farming industry made it more efficient resulting in need for fewer laborers. Farms began to merge causing people to relocate to the cities in search of any type of work.

3. What were the housing problems that many poor city dwellers faced?
City dwellers usually lived in overcrowded and unsanitary tenements. Laws for the minimum standards of plumbing and ventilation were passed, all with good intentions but resulted in worse conditions when people placed garbage in air shafts. Until water was finally filtered in the 1870s it was not sanitary and even though a piping system was laid, water could not be easily accessed at home. People had to fill up buckets from public waterworks and heat them for baths.

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