Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vietnam War Opposition

1. Note all of the reasons why you feel the war in Vietnam is wrong.
  • waste or American money and resources (Tet Offense)
  • destruction of ancient cities
  • deaths of numerous civilians
  • not effective in stopping Domino Theory if we lose

2. Note what you are trying to achieve with this poster. (e.g. to convince people to write to their Congressmen to get the troops out.)
  • trying to convince people to NOT support the war

3. List possible images for your poster. Think about: background (e.g. destroyed villages); the central image (e.g. picture of a young soldier); whether you will need words to explain your image.
  • Buddhist priests burning themselves
  • destroyed communities due to bombings
  • pictures from My Lai Massacre
  • pictures from the results of the Tet Offensive

4. List some possible slogans for your poster.
  • stay calm forget about Vietnam
  • war is bad, war makes everyone sad
  • don't waste money. war costs millions. think about not only the money but the civilians.

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